Weekly Dose of Data Analyst#13 — What are the most popular science research topics in recent years ?

Common Man
3 min readJun 20, 2021
Photo by Michael Longmire on Unsplash


There have been many technological advancements in recent years. Among these advancements, I am curious about what research topics are the most popular one.

I decided to analyze the publications in Nature Journal to find out. The reason Nature Journal was chosen are two-fold.

  1. Nature Journal have one of the highest impact factors among its peer scientific journal (https://www.scimagojr.com/journalrank.php). Their articles can be viewed as the most cutting edge and reliable.
  2. Nature Journal has a comprehensive database which is available on Google Big Query (with each article’s number of citations and associated keywords)

The meaning of “popular” in my question is twofold.

  1. If more articles have been published associated with the same topic, it means the topic is popular among its relevant researchers.
  2. If a topic attract more citations from researchers, it means the topic is popular in the research community.

Similar Studies:

Upon quick internet search, I have not found any similar study regarding this topic.



Common Man

An Individual who is passionate about data analyzing and AI